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Words that Rhyme with blink

1 Syllable Words

bink, brink, chink, cinq, cinque, clink, dink, drink, finck, fincke, fink, finke, flink, frink, hinck, hink, inc, inc., ink, klinck, klink, klinke, krinke, linc, linck, link, linke, lynk, minc, mink, minke, pink, plink, rinck, rink, rinke, schinke, schlink, shrink, sink, smink, spink, stink, swink, sync, think, vink, wink, zinc, zinck, zink, zinke

2 Syllable Words

airlink, hoodwink, precinct, rethink, softdrink, spacelink, spalink, steinbrink, tenbrink

3 Syllable Words

doublethink, equilink, interlink, vitalink

4 Syllable Words


Definitions of blink

v. i. To wink; to twinkle with, or as with, the eye.

v. i. To see with the eyes half shut, or indistinctly and with frequent winking, as a person with weak eyes.

v. i. To shine, esp. with intermittent light; to twinkle; to flicker; to glimmer, as a lamp.

v. i. To turn slightly sour, as beer, mild, etc.

v. t. To shut out of sight; to avoid, or purposely evade; to shirk; as, to blink the question.

v. t. To trick; to deceive.

v. i. A glimpse or glance.

v. i. Gleam; glimmer; sparkle.

v. i. The dazzling whiteness about the horizon caused by the reflection of light from fields of ice at sea; ice blink.

pl. Boughs cast where deer are to pass, to turn or check them.

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