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Words that Rhyme with emit

1 Syllable Words

bit, brit, britt, chit, fit, fitt, flit, get, grit, hit, hitt, it, kit, kitt, knit, lit, litt, mit, mitt, nit, pit, pitt, plitt, pritt, quit, ritt, schlitt, schmidt, schmit, schmitt, shit, sit, skit, slit, smit, spit, split, splitt, stitt, tit, tritt, vitt, whit, whitt, wit, witt, witte, writ

2 Syllable Words

acquit, admit, armpit, barritt, beckwitt, befit, boblitt, bullshit, burditt, clampitt, cockpit, commit, davitt, devitt, dewitt, dewitte, douthit, douthitt, drillbit, gillett, goldschmidt, it-wit, kleinschmidt, laffitte, lafitte, legit, mcnitt, misfit, moonlit, obit, omit, outfit, outwit, permit, politte, presplit, proudfit, refit, remit, savitt, submit, sunlit, telit, tidbit, transmit, unfit, waldschmidt

3 Syllable Words

counterfeit, hammerschmidt, hypocrite, kuhlenschmidt, mandalit, messerschmidt, messerschmitt, readmit, recommit, resubmit, retrofit, tanartkit, waffenschmidt, wolfenschmidt

4 Syllable Words


Definitions of emit

v. t. To send forth; to throw or give out; to cause to issue; to give vent to; to eject; to discharge; as, fire emits heat and smoke; boiling water emits steam; the sun emits light.

v. t. To issue forth, as an order or decree; to print and send into circulation, as notes or bills of credit.

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