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Words that Rhyme with pegmatite

1 Syllable Words

beit, bite, blight, bright, brite, byte, cite, clyte, dwight, feit, fight, fite, flight, fright, height, heit, hiett, hight, hite, kight, kite, knight, kyte, light, lite, might, mite, night, nite, plight, quite, reit, right, rite, scheidt, sight, site, sleight, slight, spight, spite, sprite, streit, strite, tight, trite, twite, white, whyte, wight, wright, write, zeit

2 Syllable Words

airtight, albright, alight, allbright, allright, alright, alvite, arkwright, backbite, backlight, basnight, bauknight, birthright, boatright, boatwright, brucite, bullfight, calcite, calite, cartwright, clevite, conkright, contrite, courtright, courtwright, cronkhite, cronkite, cronkright, curtright, cutright, daylight, delight, despite, dogfight, downright, drumright, drumwright, dunite, ebright, enright, enwright, excite, eyesight, femrite, finite, firefight, firzite, flashlight, floodlight, fluorite, footlight, foresight, forthright, fortnight, freiheit, frostbite, fulbright, fullbright, gathright, genlyte, goodnight, graphite, gravesite, guisewite, gunfight, hambright, headlight, highlight, hignight, hignite, hindsight, hittite, housewright, hussite, ignite, incite, indict, indite, inflight, insight, invite, jadeite, jinright, lafite, lambright, lignite, limelight, loctite, lucite, luddite, macknight, malrite, mccright, mcknight, mcright, mcwhite, mcwright, midflight, midnight, moonlight, newsnight, nonwhite, oakite, onsite, outright, playwright, plowright, polite, procyte, recite, rewrite, richwhite, rubright, seabright, searchlight, seawright, shiite, shipwright, skylight, skylite, snakebite, soundbite, sporophyte, spotlight, starlight, starsight, sticktight, stoplight, sulfite, sunlight, sunlite, sylvite, tonight, tonite, twilight, unite, upright, uptight, wainright, wainwright, waybright, website, wegbreit, wheelwright, whitenight, wilhite, willhite, woolbright

3 Syllable Words

acolyte, ammonite, andesite, anorthite, anthracite, apartheid, apatite, appetite, applewhite, argabright, bentonite, biotite, canaanite, candlelight, carmelite, clintonite, copyright, copywrite, cryolite, de-excite, diorite, disinvite, displaywrite, dolomite, dynamite, epsomite, erudite, exabyte, expedite, extradite, fahrenheit, felicite, franklinite, gigabyte, hashemite, hematite, impolite, israelite, jacobite, kilobyte, lacharite, lazulite, leukocyte, limonite, lymphocyte, magnesite, magnetite, mandalite, maronite, masonite, megabyte, mennonite, minorite, monzonite, muscovite, musselwhite, naderite, neophyte, niccolite, niobite, overflight, overnight, overnite, oversight, overwrite, parasite, phagocyte, phlogopite, phosphorite, plebiscite, rasorite, reaganite, recondite, reignite, reinvite, reunite, riunite, samsonite, satellite, satterwhite, selenite, semi-height, socialite, thatcherite, tripartite, underwrite, urbanite, watertight

4 Syllable Words

catanzarite, gametophyte, granulocyte, hemimorphite, hermaphrodite, mccarthyite, meteorite, new-hampshirite, overexcite, suburbanite

Definitions of pegmatite

n. Graphic granite. See under Granite.

n. More generally, a coarse granite occurring as vein material in other rocks.

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