Words that Rhyme with apricot
1 Syllable Words
baht, bhatt, blot, bott, bought, brott, caught, clot, clott, cot, cott, dot, dott, flott, got, gott, hot, hott, jot, khat, knot, knott, kot, kott, lat, lot, lott, lotte, mott, motte, not, nott, notte, ott, otte, plot, plott, pot, pott, rot, rott, rrrot, schaadt, schlott, schott, schrodt, scot, scott, shot, shott, slot, slott, spot, sprott, squat, staat, stott, swat, szot, szott, tot, trot, trott, voght, watt, yacht, yott
2 Syllable Words
abott, alcott, allot, alot, ascot, ascott, aucott, batat, boitnott, boycott, buckshot, cannot, crackpot, croat, demott, earshot, eyespot, feedlot, forgot, grapeshot, gunshot, helfgott, hotshot, inkblot, jackpot, kiryat, labatt, lamott, longshot, loquat, malott, marcott, mascot, perrott, poinot, potshot, qiryat, refaat, robot, sadat, slingshot, snapshot, sunspot, surat, teapot, topknot, upshot, vancott, westcott, whatnot, woodlot
3 Syllable Words
aeroflot, aforethought, afterthought, aquanaut, astronaut, aydelotte, barakat, camelot, checkerspot, cuisinart, cypriot, endicott, flowerpot, huguenot, kennecott, kilowatt, konsultat, lancelot, launcelot, mallinckrodt, megawatt, ocelot, overshot, oviatt, scattershot, superdot
Definition of apricot
n. A fruit allied to the plum, of an orange color, oval shape, and delicious taste; also, the tree (Prunus Armeniaca of Linnaeus) which bears this fruit. By cultivation it has been introduced throughout the temperate zone.