Words that Rhyme with born
1 Syllable Words
bjoern, bjorn, borne, bourn, bourne, corn, corne, doorn, dorn, horn, horne, korn, lorne, mourn, orn, orne, porn, schorn, scorn, shorn, sporn, sworn, thorn, thorne, torn, warn, warne, worn, zorn
2 Syllable Words
aborn, adorn, airborne, allcorn, amborn, bighorn, bluhdorn, buckhorn, buckthorn, bullhorn, dearborn, einhorn, elkhorn, firstborn, forlorn, forsworn, glyndebourne, hartshorn, hawthorn, hirshhorn, inborn, jetborne, kilborne, lamborn, layborne, longhorn, lowborn, osborn, osborne, pangborn, popcorn, pronghorn, radborne, reborn, sanborn, schoellhorn, seaborne, shoehorn, shopkorn, shopworn, steinborn, stillborn, terkhorn, unborn, vandorn, vanhorn, vanhorne, waldhorn, wellborn, whitehorn
3 Syllable Words
cyberporn, hegadorn, mclawhorn, pfefferkorn, polkinghorn, unadorn, unicorn, waterborne, winterbourne
Definitions of born
p. p. of Bear
v. t. Brought forth, as an animal; brought into life; introduced by birth.
v. t. Having from birth a certain character; by or from birth; by nature; innate; as, a born liar.