Words that Rhyme with bud
1 Syllable Words
blood, budd, budde, crud, cudd, dud, dudd, flood, flud, fludd, hud, judd, mud, mudd, nudd, rud, rudd, scud, spud, stud, sudd, thud, uhde
2 Syllable Words
cold-blood, ehud, lebudde, lifeblood, redbud, trueblood, youngblood
Definitions of bud
n. A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; an undeveloped branch or flower.
n. A small protuberance on certain low forms of animals and vegetables which develops into a new organism, either free or attached. See Hydra.
v. i. To put forth or produce buds, as a plant; to grow, as a bud does, into a flower or shoot.
v. i. To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn.
v. i. To be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise; as, a budding virgin.
v. t. To graft, as a plant with another or into another, by inserting a bud from the one into an opening in the bark of the other, in order to raise, upon the budded stock, fruit different from that which it would naturally bear.