Words that Rhyme with buffoon
1 Syllable Words
boon, boone, broun, bruen, brune, bruun, choon, clune, coon, coone, croon, dune, goon, gruen, heun, hewn, hoon, joon, june, keune, koon, koone, kroon, kuehn, kuehne, kuhn, loon, mhoon, moon, moone, noon, noone, poon, prune, roone, schoon, shoen, soon, spoon, strewn, suen, swoon, thune, toon, toone, troon, tune, yoon
2 Syllable Words
antoon, aoun, attune, baboon, balloon, banoun, barloon, bassoon, bethune, cahoon, calhoon, calhoun, cancun, cardoon, cartoon, cocoon, cohoon, commune, corroon, dekroon, festoon, galloon, hamdoon, harpoon, harroun, huntoon, immune, impugn, karoun, karun, laffoon, lagoon, lampoon, liqun, magoon, majnoon, maroon, mattoon, mcclune, mccuen, mccune, mckune, monsoon, muldoon, platoon, pontoon, raccoon, ramune, rangoon, saloon, sassoon, shimbun, teaspoon, terhune, tycoon, typhoon, verboon, xiaoyun
3 Syllable Words
afternoon, cameroon, disharoon, ducommun, honeymoon, mcaloon, medimmune, opportune, pantaloon, picayune, saskatoon, tablespoon, viromune, weatherspoon, witherspoon, wotherspoon, ynjiun
4 Syllable Words
contrabassoon, inopportune, karbassioun, midafternoon
Definitions of buffoon
n. A man who makes a practice of amusing others by low tricks, antic gestures, etc.; a droll; a mimic; a harlequin; a clown; a merry-andrew.
a. Characteristic of, or like, a buffoon.
v. i. To act the part of a buffoon.
v. t. To treat with buffoonery.