Words that Rhyme with bug
1 Syllable Words
bugg, bugge, chug, doug, drug, dug, hug, hugg, jug, klug, krug, lug, mug, plug, rug, rugg, schug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, sugg, thug, tug, ugh, zug
2 Syllable Words
abzug, debug, earplug, humbug, tanjug, unplug
3 Syllable Words
antidrug, firebug, jitterbug, ladybug, superdrug
Definitions of bug
n. A bugbear; anything which terrifies.
n. A general name applied to various insects belonging to the Hemiptera; as, the squash bug; the chinch bug, etc.
n. An insect of the genus Cimex, especially the bedbug (C. lectularius). See Bedbug.
n. One of various species of Coleoptera; as, the ladybug; potato bug, etc.; loosely, any beetle.
n. One of certain kinds of Crustacea; as, the sow bug; pill bug; bait bug; salve bug, etc.