Words that Rhyme with canoe
1 Syllable Words
beu, bleu, blew, blue, boo, breaux, brew, brue, chew, chiu, choo, chou, chu, clue, coo, cou, coup, coups, crew, crewe, cue, deux, dew, do, doo, douwe, drew, dru, du, due, ewe, few, flew, flu, flue, foo, frew, frueh, fu, glew, glue, gnu, goo, graue, grew, grewe, gu, gue, hew, hewe, hoo, hou, houx, hsu, hu, hue, hugh, jew, joo, ju, jue, kew, khoo, khuu, knew, koo, ku, kyu, leu, lew, lieu, liu, loo, lou, louw, loux, lu, lue, mew, mu, new, nu, ooh, oooh, ou, peugh, pew, phew, phu, plew, plue, poo, pooh, pou, prew, pru, prue, prugh, pu, pugh, q, q., qu, que, queue, rew, rhew, rhue, rioux, roux, ru, rue, schewe, schoo, schou, schue, schuh, screw, shew, shiu, shoe, shoo, shu, shue, siew, sioux, skew, slew, soo, spew, stew, strew, stu, stuewe, su, sue, suu, tew, thew, threw, through, thru, thuy, to, too, treu, trew, trieu, true, tu, tue, two, u, u., uwe, view, vu, vue, whew, who, woo, wu, xu, xue, yew, yoo, you, yu, yue, zhou, zhu, zoo, zue
2 Syllable Words
abou, abreu, accrue, adieu, ado, aircrew, anew, askew, babu, baku, ballou, bamboo, bellevue, bellew, breakthrough, broadview, c2, cashew, cat-2, cebu, chaloux, champoux, chengdu, construe, corbu, corkscrew, coutu, cuckoo, daewoo, deblois, debut, decou, depew, depue, egnew, emu, ensue, eschew, fairview, fauroux, fescue, fitzhugh, fondue, fourtou, geroux, gignoux, giroux, glenview, goodhue, goto, grandview, guangzhou, gumshoe, guru, hairdo, heroux, herscu, hindu, hoopoe, horseshoe, hutu, igou, imbue, into, isu, jammu, jamu, joanou, kaifu, karlsruhe, kazoo, ketou, khufu, kourou, kwangju, lakeview, landview, laroux, larue, ledoux, lemieux, leroux, liou, longview, lulu, m2, mailloux, manu, marcou, marcoux, marrou, mayhue, mccue, mcgrew, mcgue, mchugh, mcknew, mcnew, meiyuh, mildew, miscue, naidoo, nehru, netview, neveu, northview, outdo, outgrew, pardue, peipu, perdue, peru, plainview, preview, purdue, pursue, purview, qiaotou, ragu, ramu, ratu, redo, renew, reto, review, revue, richoux, ru, sam-joo, seydoux, shampoo, shamu, snowshoe, soohoo, soundview, statue, su, subdue, taboo, taku, tattoo, tatu, theroux, tien-fu, tieu, tissue, tobu, toyoo, transou, troyu, true-view, tutu, undo, undue, unglue, untrue, urdu, vanloo, vanlue, voodoo, vu, wahoo, wenzhou, whay-yu, withdrew, yahoo, zanu, zenchu, zhenyu, zulu, zungu
3 Syllable Words
amadou, angelou, avenue, ballyhoo, barbecue, barbeque, bbq, belyeu, benhamou, bugaboo, bukavu, byu, caribou, chugoku, cockatoo, codrescu, cortelyou, cosatu, countersue, depardieu, devalue, devereux, donahoo, donahue, donohoo, donohue, feverfew, hitherto, honeydew, ingenue, interbrew, interview, iou, isu, itochu, jujitsu, kangaroo, karatsu, katmandu, komatsu, lhommedieu, marabou, mcadoo, mcandrew, merieux, misconstrue, mobutu, montagu, montague, nangaku, oceanview, otterloo, overdo, overdrew, overdue, overthrew, overview, pas-de-deux, pompidou, rendezvous, residue, retinue, revalue, revenue, richelieu, seiyaku, silvershoe, suu, teikoku, timbuktu, tougaloo, waterloo, wu, zaibatsu
4 Syllable Words
bartholomew, hokuriku, hullabaloo, iliescu, kalamazoo, long-overdue, mogadishu, muramatsu, netanyahu, papandreou, tiramisu, vanuaaku, wu
5 Syllable Words
dfw, konishiroku, tew
7 Syllable Words
Definitions of canoe
n. A boat used by rude nations, formed of trunk of a tree, excavated, by cutting of burning, into a suitable shape. It is propelled by a paddle or paddles, or sometimes by sail, and has no rudder.
n. A boat made of bark or skins, used by savages.
n. A light pleasure boat, especially designed for use by one who goes alone upon long excursions, including portage. It it propelled by a paddle, or by a small sail attached to a temporary mast.
v. i. To manage a canoe, or voyage in a canoe.