Words that Rhyme with cashew
1 Syllable Words
beu, bleu, blew, blue, boo, breaux, brew, brue, chew, chiu, choo, chou, chu, clue, coo, cou, coup, coups, crew, crewe, cue, deux, dew, do, doo, douwe, drew, dru, du, due, ewe, few, flew, flu, flue, foo, frew, frueh, fu, glew, glue, gnu, goo, graue, grew, grewe, gu, gue, hew, hewe, hoo, hou, houx, hsu, hu, hue, hugh, jew, joo, ju, jue, kew, khoo, khuu, knew, koo, ku, kyu, leu, lew, lieu, liu, loo, lou, louw, loux, lu, lue, mew, mu, new, nu, ooh, oooh, ou, peugh, pew, phew, phu, plew, plue, poo, pooh, pou, prew, pru, prue, prugh, pu, pugh, q, q., qu, que, queue, rew, rhew, rhue, rioux, roux, ru, rue, schewe, schoo, schou, schue, schuh, screw, shew, shiu, shoe, shoo, shu, shue, siew, sioux, skew, slew, soo, spew, stew, strew, stu, stuewe, su, sue, suu, tew, thew, threw, through, thru, thuy, to, too, treu, trew, trieu, true, tu, tue, two, u, u., uwe, view, vu, vue, whew, who, woo, wu, xu, xue, yew, yoo, you, yu, yue, zhou, zhu, zoo, zue
2 Syllable Words
abou, abreu, accrue, adieu, ado, aircrew, anew, askew, babu, baku, ballou, bamboo, bellevue, bellew, breakthrough, broadview, c2, canoe, cat-2, cebu, chaloux, champoux, chengdu, construe, corbu, corkscrew, coutu, cuckoo, daewoo, deblois, debut, decou, depew, depue, egnew, emu, ensue, eschew, fairview, fauroux, fescue, fitzhugh, fondue, fourtou, geroux, gignoux, giroux, glenview, goodhue, goto, grandview, guangzhou, gumshoe, guru, hairdo, heroux, herscu, hindu, hoopoe, horseshoe, hutu, igou, imbue, into, isu, jammu, jamu, joanou, kaifu, karlsruhe, kazoo, ketou, khufu, kourou, kwangju, lakeview, landview, laroux, larue, ledoux, lemieux, leroux, liou, longview, lulu, m2, mailloux, manu, marcou, marcoux, marrou, mayhue, mccue, mcgrew, mcgue, mchugh, mcknew, mcnew, meiyuh, mildew, miscue, naidoo, nehru, netview, neveu, northview, outdo, outgrew, pardue, peipu, perdue, peru, plainview, preview, purdue, pursue, purview, qiaotou, ragu, ramu, ratu, redo, renew, reto, review, revue, richoux, ru, sam-joo, seydoux, shampoo, shamu, snowshoe, soohoo, soundview, statue, su, subdue, taboo, taku, tattoo, tatu, theroux, tien-fu, tieu, tissue, tobu, toyoo, transou, troyu, true-view, tutu, undo, undue, unglue, untrue, urdu, vanloo, vanlue, voodoo, vu, wahoo, wenzhou, whay-yu, withdrew, yahoo, zanu, zenchu, zhenyu, zulu, zungu
3 Syllable Words
amadou, angelou, avenue, ballyhoo, barbecue, barbeque, bbq, belyeu, benhamou, bugaboo, bukavu, byu, caribou, chugoku, cockatoo, codrescu, cortelyou, cosatu, countersue, depardieu, devalue, devereux, donahoo, donahue, donohoo, donohue, feverfew, hitherto, honeydew, ingenue, interbrew, interview, iou, isu, itochu, jujitsu, kangaroo, karatsu, katmandu, komatsu, lhommedieu, marabou, mcadoo, mcandrew, merieux, misconstrue, mobutu, montagu, montague, nangaku, oceanview, otterloo, overdo, overdrew, overdue, overthrew, overview, pas-de-deux, pompidou, rendezvous, residue, retinue, revalue, revenue, richelieu, seiyaku, silvershoe, suu, teikoku, timbuktu, tougaloo, waterloo, wu, zaibatsu
4 Syllable Words
bartholomew, hokuriku, hullabaloo, iliescu, kalamazoo, long-overdue, mogadishu, muramatsu, netanyahu, papandreou, tiramisu, vanuaaku, wu
5 Syllable Words
dfw, konishiroku, tew
7 Syllable Words
Definition of cashew
n. A tree (Anacardium occidentale) of the same family which the sumac. It is native in tropical America, but is now naturalized in all tropical countries. Its fruit, a kidney-shaped nut, grows at the extremity of an edible, pear-shaped hypocarp, about three inches long.