Words that Rhyme with conclave
1 Syllable Words
brave, cave, crave, dave, gave, grave, knave, lave, mave, nave, pave, quave, rave, save, schave, shave, slave, stave, they've, waive, wave
2 Syllable Words
airwave, behave, belgrave, concave, deprave, enclave, engrave, enslave, forgave, hardgrave, hargrave, kunaev, lafave, landgrave, lefave, margrave, mcclave, newwave, redgrave, seagrave, shockwave, shortwave, skywave, starwave, sulgrave
3 Syllable Words
architrave, autoclave, kazikaev, microwave, misbehave
Definitions of conclave
n. The set of apartments within which the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church are continuously secluded while engaged in choosing a pope.
n. The body of cardinals shut up in the conclave for the election of a pope; hence, the body of cardinals.
n. A private meeting; a close or secret assembly.