Words that Rhyme with enclose
1 Syllable Words
blose, blows, boase, boes, bose, bowes, bows, boze, bro's, brose, chose, close, clothes, cose, crose, crow's, crows, doe's, doze, eaux, flows, foes, froze, ghose, glows, goes, goghs, gose, grose, grows, ho's, hoes, hose, joe's, joes, jos, klose, knows, kroes, kroeze, lo's, loews, lowe's, lowes, lows, moes, mose, ngo's, ngos, no's, noes, nose, o's, o.'s, o.s, o.s', oh's, ohs, ooohs, ose, owes, poe's, pose, pows, pro's, pros, pros', prose, roes, roh's, rohs, rose, row's, rowe's, rowes, rows, show's, shows, shows', slows, snows, so's, sows, those, throes, throws, toes, tows, vose, woes, yoes
2 Syllable Words
ambrose, arose, bellrose, bestows, bio's, bongos, borough's, boroughs, boulos, bozos, bulldoze, burrowes, campeau's, cargo's, cargoes, cargos, chico's, ciros, cocos, compose, cristo's, defoe's, demos, depose, disclose, dispose, dubose, duclos, elbows, expose, fallows, fargo's, farrow's, fellowes, foreclose, forgoes, gameshows, guandjo's, guangjo's, gyros, hasbro's, haso's, hognose, hydro's, impose, inflows, ito's, jumbos, kilos, kinko's, koslow's, lebow's, litco's, logos, marco's, meadows, melrose, micheaux's, miro's, monroe's, montrose, moscow's, oppose, otto's, outflows, penrose, perot's, perots, pharos, photo's, photos, plainclothes, primo's, primrose, promos, propose, quito's, rainbows, renault's, repos, repose, rhinos, rockrose, roussos, seow's, sesno's, shadows, sideshows, silos, stavros, suppose, tarots, tempos, torsos, transpose, trio's, truffaut's, tussaud's, walthose, widdows, willowes, willows
3 Syllable Words
aburto's, alagoas, amigos, angelo's, angelos, angeloz, bigelow's, buffalo's, buffalos, bungalows, calypsos, cameos, carolco's, chicago's, commandos, decompose, diego's, domino's, dominoes, dominos, embryos, eskimos, falsettos, groseclose, guinarou's, idaho's, interco's, interpose, juxtapose, mealynose, mexico's, microprose, navajos, overflows, pantyhose, patios, pebereau's, predispose, presuppose, radio's, radios, ratios, reimpose, rodeos, romano's, sokolow's, stereos, studio's, studios, studios', tobacco's, tobaccos, tokyo's, tomatos, tomorrow's, tomorrows, tornado's, tornados, torpedos, tuxedos, undergoes, undertows
4 Syllable Words
antonio's, guantanamo's, hirohito's, misdiagnose, new-mexico's, overexpose, pistachios, politicos, portfolio's, portfolios, superimpose, yoshihiro's
5 Syllable Words
Definition of enclose
v. t. To inclose. See Inclose.