Words that Rhyme with epicure
1 Syllable Words
bloor, boor, buhr, cure, duerr, fluhr, foor, fuhr, gloor, jure, luhr, lure, moor, moore, muhr, muir, poor, poore, pure, ruhr, schnoor, schuur, shure, spoor, stuhr, suhr, suhre, suire, sure, tour, ture, uhr, ur, you're, your
2 Syllable Words
allure, assure, badour, baldur, bijur, bonjour, brochure, contour, couture, damour, demure, detour, dufour, dunsmoor, endure, ensure, gilmour, gochnour, if_you're, impure, insure, inure, jabbour, lacour, lancour, latour, lesure, lumpur, manure, mature, mosur, obscure, panmure, procure, rednour, secure, segur, stamour, unsure, wintour
3 Syllable Words
amanpour, beladur, immature, miniature, orasure, pimplapure, premature, reassure, reinsure
4 Syllable Words
entrepreneur, miniature, observateur
Definitions of epicure
n. A follower of Epicurus; an Epicurean.
n. One devoted to dainty or luxurious sensual enjoyments, esp. to the luxuries of the table.