Words that Rhyme with epitaph
1 Syllable Words
braff, calf, chaff, fraph, gaf, gaff, gaffe, graef, graefe, graeff, graf, graff, graph, haff, half, laff, laugh, naff, paff, pfaff, raf, raff, scaff, schaff, shaff, skaff, staff, taff, taffe, yaffe
2 Syllable Words
assaf, behalf, falstaff, flagstaff, giraffe, grandstaff, grindstaff, hackstaff, longstaff, metcalf, pinkstaff, riffraff, sielaff, wagstaff
3 Syllable Words
autograph, bickerstaff, biggerstaff, hectograph, intergraph, lithograph, monograph, overstaff, paragraph, pendergraph, phonograph, photograph, polygraph, reprograph, spectrograph, telegraph, understaff, unitaf
4 Syllable Words
choreograph, mimeograph
Definitions of epitaph
n. An inscription on, or at, a tomb, or a grave, in memory or commendation of the one buried there; a sepulchral inscription.
n. A brief writing formed as if to be inscribed on a monument, as that concerning Alexander: "Sufficit huic tumulus, cui non sufficeret orbis."
v. t. To commemorate by an epitaph.
v. i. To write or speak after the manner of an epitaph.