Words that Rhyme with esoteric
2 Syllable Words
barrick, burek, burich, carrick, cleric, derek, derick, derik, derrick, deryck, ehrich, eric, erich, erick, erik, ferrick, garrick, gerich, gericke, gerrick, herrick, kerrick, merrick, sherick, sherrick, varick, weyrich
3 Syllable Words
barbaric, generic, homeric, hysteric, numeric
4 Syllable Words
atmospheric, mesenteric
5 Syllable Words
alphanumeric, ionospheric
Definition of esoteric
a. Designed for, and understood by, the specially initiated alone; not communicated, or not intelligible, to the general body of followers; private; interior; acroamatic; -- said of the private and more recondite instructions and doctrines of philosophers. Opposed to exoteric.