Words that Rhyme with expose
1 Syllable Words
blose, blows, boase, boes, bose, bowes, bows, boze, bro's, brose, chose, close, clothes, cose, crose, crow's, crows, doe's, doze, eaux, flows, foes, froze, ghose, glows, goes, goghs, gose, grose, grows, ho's, hoes, hose, joe's, joes, jos, klose, knows, kroes, kroeze, lo's, loews, lowe's, lowes, lows, moes, mose, ngo's, ngos, no's, noes, nose, o's, o.'s, o.s, o.s', oh's, ohs, ooohs, ose, owes, poe's, pose, pows, pro's, pros, pros', prose, roes, roh's, rohs, rose, row's, rowe's, rowes, rows, show's, shows, shows', slows, snows, so's, sows, those, throes, throws, toes, tows, vose, woes, yoes
2 Syllable Words
ambrose, arose, bellrose, bestows, bio's, bongos, borough's, boroughs, boulos, bozos, bulldoze, burrowes, campeau's, cargo's, cargoes, cargos, chico's, ciros, cocos, compose, cristo's, defoe's, demos, depose, disclose, dispose, dubose, duclos, elbows, enclose, fallows, fargo's, farrow's, fellowes, foreclose, forgoes, gameshows, guandjo's, guangjo's, gyros, hasbro's, haso's, hognose, hydro's, impose, inflows, ito's, jumbos, kilos, kinko's, koslow's, lebow's, litco's, logos, marco's, meadows, melrose, micheaux's, miro's, monroe's, montrose, moscow's, oppose, otto's, outflows, penrose, perot's, perots, pharos, photo's, photos, plainclothes, primo's, primrose, promos, propose, quito's, rainbows, renault's, repos, repose, rhinos, rockrose, roussos, seow's, sesno's, shadows, sideshows, silos, stavros, suppose, tarots, tempos, torsos, transpose, trio's, truffaut's, tussaud's, walthose, widdows, willowes, willows
3 Syllable Words
aburto's, alagoas, amigos, angelo's, angelos, angeloz, bigelow's, buffalo's, buffalos, bungalows, calypsos, cameos, carolco's, chicago's, commandos, decompose, diego's, domino's, dominoes, dominos, embryos, eskimos, falsettos, groseclose, guinarou's, idaho's, interco's, interpose, juxtapose, mealynose, mexico's, microprose, navajos, overflows, pantyhose, patios, pebereau's, predispose, presuppose, radio's, radios, ratios, reimpose, rodeos, romano's, sokolow's, stereos, studio's, studios, studios', tobacco's, tobaccos, tokyo's, tomatos, tomorrow's, tomorrows, tornado's, tornados, torpedos, tuxedos, undergoes, undertows
4 Syllable Words
antonio's, guantanamo's, hirohito's, misdiagnose, new-mexico's, overexpose, pistachios, politicos, portfolio's, portfolios, superimpose, yoshihiro's
5 Syllable Words
Definitions of expose
v. t. To set forth; to set out to public view; to exhibit; to show; to display; as, to expose goods for sale; to expose pictures to public inspection.
v. t. To lay bare; to lay open to attack, danger, or anything objectionable; to render accessible to anything which may affect, especially detrimentally; to make liable; as, to expose one's self to the heat of the sun, or to cold, insult, danger, or ridicule; to expose an army to destruction or defeat.
v. t. To deprive of concealment; to discover; to lay open to public inspection, or bring to public notice, as a thing that shuns publicity, something criminal, shameful, or the like; as, to expose the faults of a neighbor.
v. t. To disclose the faults or reprehensible practices of; to lay open to general condemnation or contempt by making public the character or arts of; as, to expose a cheat, liar, or hypocrite.
v. t. A formal recital or exposition of facts; exposure, or revelation, of something which some one wished to keep concealed.