Words that Rhyme with face
1 Syllable Words
ace, base, bass, brace, caisse, case, cayce, chace, chase, crace, dace, drace, frace, glace, grace, heyse, lace, mace, nace, pace, place, race, space, trace, vase, wace
2 Syllable Words
airbase, airspace, ambase, apace, birthplace, boldface, bookcase, briefcase, broadbase, bucase, dbase, debase, deface, degrace, disgrace, displace, dnase, efface, embrace, encase, erase, footrace, incase, lactase, lambastes, left-brace, lovelace, maltase, misplace, outpace, parcplace, replace, retrace, right-brace, scarface, shoelace, showcase, showplace, someplace, staircase, steelcase, suitcase, sybase, typeface, wheelbase, workplace
3 Syllable Words
aerospace, anyplace, cityplace, commonplace, cyberspace, database, diabase, diastase, everyplace, fireplace, innerspace, interface, interlace, marketplace, orthoclase, steeplechase
4 Syllable Words
arianespace, electrospace, plagioclase, polymerase, reiterates, streptokinase
Definitions of face
n. The exterior form or appearance of anything; that part which presents itself to the view; especially, the front or upper part or surface; that which particularly offers itself to the view of a spectator.
n. That part of a body, having several sides, which may be seen from one point, or which is presented toward a certain direction; one of the bounding planes of a solid; as, a cube has six faces.
n. The principal dressed surface of a plate, disk, or pulley; the principal flat surface of a part or object.
n. That part of the acting surface of a cog in a cog wheel, which projects beyond the pitch line.
n. The width of a pulley, or the length of a cog from end to end; as, a pulley or cog wheel of ten inches face.
n. The upper surface, or the character upon the surface, of a type, plate, etc.
n. The style or cut of a type or font of type.
n. Outside appearance; surface show; look; external aspect, whether natural, assumed, or acquired.
n. That part of the head, esp. of man, in which the eyes, cheeks, nose, and mouth are situated; visage; countenance.
n. Cast of features; expression of countenance; look; air; appearance.
n. Ten degrees in extent of a sign of the zodiac.
n. Maintenance of the countenance free from abashment or confusion; confidence; boldness; shamelessness; effrontery.
n. Presence; sight; front; as in the phrases, before the face of, in the immediate presence of; in the face of, before, in, or against the front of; as, to fly in the face of danger; to the face of, directly to; from the face of, from the presence of.
n. Mode of regard, whether favorable or unfavorable; favor or anger; mostly in Scriptural phrases.
n. The end or wall of the tunnel, drift, or excavation, at which work is progressing or was last done.
n. The exact amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, or other mercantile paper, without any addition for interest or reduction for discount.
v. t. To meet in front; to oppose with firmness; to resist, or to meet for the purpose of stopping or opposing; to confront; to encounter; as, to face an enemy in the field of battle.
v. t. To Confront impudently; to bully.
v. t. To stand opposite to; to stand with the face or front toward; to front upon; as, the apartments of the general faced the park.
v. t. To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc.; to put a facing upon; as, a building faced with marble.
v. t. To line near the edge, esp. with a different material; as, to face the front of a coat, or the bottom of a dress.
v. t. To cover with better, or better appearing, material than the mass consists of, for purpose of deception, as the surface of a box of tea, a barrel of sugar, etc.
v. t. To make the surface of (anything) flat or smooth; to dress the face of (a stone, a casting, etc.); esp., in turning, to shape or smooth the flat surface of, as distinguished from the cylindrical surface.
v. t. To cause to turn or present a face or front, as in a particular direction.
v. i. To carry a false appearance; to play the hypocrite.
v. i. To turn the face; as, to face to the right or left.
v. i. To present a face or front.