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Words that Rhyme with farewell

1 Syllable Words

behl, bel, bell, belle, cel, cell, chell, clell, del, dell, delle, dwell, dwelle, ehle, el, ell, elle, fehl, fel, fell, frel, gehl, gel, gell, grell, grelle, guel, hehl, hell, helle, jell, kehl, kell, kjell, knell, krell, l, l., lehl, mehl, mel, mell, melle, nel, nell, nelle, pehl, pell, pelle, prell, quell, schell, schmehl, schnell, schnelle, sell, selle, shell, smell, snell, spell, stell, stelle, strehl, strehle, swell, tel, tell, well, welle, yell, yelle, zel, zell, zelle

2 Syllable Words

abdel, accel, adel, adele, adell, adelle, adwell, akel, alltel, ancel, angelle, ansel, ansell, antell, anwell, apel, ardelle, arel, armel, arnelle, arvel, ashwell, atwell, avdel, axtell, bagwell, bakewell, bandshell, barbell, bardell, bardwell, barnwell, battelle, bechtel, becknell, bedel, bedwell, befell, bendel, bethel, beutel, bidwell, bignell, birdwell, blackwell, bodell, bodwell, bombshell, bonwell, bortel, bothwell, boutell, boutelle, boutwell, boxwell, bozell, bracewell, bracknell, bradwell, bramwell, bridwell, brightwell, brindel, broadwell, brockwell, bromwell, brownell, brunelle, bucknell, burdell, burrell, buswell, buzzell, cabell, cadwell, cantel, cantrell, cantrelle, cantwell, capelle, capwell, cardwell, carel, carmel, carswell, cartel, carvel, carvell, carwell, cashwell, caswell, cattell, caudell, cavell, cencall, centel, chadwell, chanel, chapell, chapelle, chappelle, chartwell, chriswell, churchwell, clamshell, claywell, cockwell, cogswell, coldwell, colwell, compel, contel, conwell, cordell, corel, corell, cornell, cornelle, cornwell, cosell, cotelle, cottrell, cowbell, coxwell, cresswell, creswell, crotwell, culwell, danelle, daniele, danielle, dantrell, darnell, darrelle, decelle, desselle, develle, dispel, dispell, doorbell, dovel, dumbbell, edell, eggshell, elwell, estelle, excel, expel, extel, ezell, ezelle, falwell, farwell, fascell, faupel, ferrel, fichtel, fidel, folwell, foretell, foxwell, frenzel, fretwell, futrell, gabel, gazelle, get-well, gidel, ginnell, gintel, giselle, gladwell, glidewell, goodsell, gravelle, greenfell, greenwell, grinnell, groundswell, gsell, harpel, hartwell, harwell, hillel, hipwell, hopewell, hormel, hornell, hotel, impel, intel, irell, itel, janelle, joelle, kidwell, labell, labelle, lacewell, landell, lapel, lasswell, laswell, lavelle, leavelle, ledwell, lemelle, lengyel, leonelle, lobell, loisel, loiselle, longwell, lortel, lovewell, lyell, mabelle, madelle, mantell, manuel, manwell, marcel, marcelle, markel, markwell, martel, martell, martelle, marvell, marvelle, matell, mattel, maxell, maxwell, maybelle, mckell, mendell, mentel, michel, michele, michelle, miguel, mirell, mirelle, misspell, mitel, mizel, mizelle, moertel, montel, morel, morrell, moselle, motel, mousel, mozelle, mtel, nadel, nevel, nextel, niguel, nobel, noel, noelle, nouvelle, novell, noxell, nutshell, o'dell, octel, odell, oftel, oilwell, orwell, oswell, otwell, outsell, ozelle, pactel, pantel, pastel, patel, penwell, percell, pesnell, popwell, postrelle, procell, propel, purcell, quesnel, rachelle, rampell, randell, rangel, ransdell, raquel, ravel, rebel, repel, resdel, resell, retell, revelle, rintel, rochelle, rockwell, rodwell, romelle, rothwell, roussel, roussell, rousselle, rozelle, rudelle, ruelle, sabel, samelle, sartwell, savel, sawtell, sawtelle, scurdell, seashell, seawell, seitel, sentelle, sharell, sheftel, shemwell, shirell, shirelle, shopwell, shortell, shotwell, sibelle, sidwell, skytel, snackwell, sockwell, southwell, stairwell, stardel, stillwell, stilwell, stinel, stockwell, sydell, tarbell, tavel, teitell, torell, treadwell, truesdell, tugwell, twaddell, tyrrell, udelle, ul, unsell, uzzell, vandaele, varvel, vaupel, vertel, vsel, wachtell, waddell, wardwell, warrell, weisel, whitesel, whitesell, whitwell, wiltel, zehntel, zumel

3 Syllable Words

aiguebelle, alcatel, alpharel, amabel, annabel, aol, assubel, avenel, caravel, caravelle, carousel, carrasquel, carrousel, cel, citadel, citrucel, clarabelle, claribel, clientele, cockerell, corabelle, coverdell, danielle, decibel, duracell, elcotel, esquibel, esquivel, gabriele, honeywell, infidel, isabel, isabell, isabelle, italtel, jeanmichele, kal, kettlewell, lilybell, livingwell, lyondell, marcantel, merisel, microtel, minitel, mirabel, montiel, orabel, oversell, parallel, parlodel, pennywell, personnel, peverell, picturetel, rafael, raphael, riopel, rosabel, samuelle, sanmiguel, suchomel, undersell, unitel, willabelle, zinfandel

4 Syllable Words

aix-la-chapelle, elmootazbell, industrielle, mademoiselle, materiel, nepl

5 Syllable Words

anfal, antipersonell

Definitions of farewell

interj. Go well; good-by; adieu; -- originally applied to a person departing, but by custom now applied both to those who depart and those who remain. It is often separated by the pronoun; as, fare you well; and is sometimes used as an expression of separation only; as, farewell the year; farewell, ye sweet groves; that is, I bid you farewell.

n. A wish of happiness or welfare at parting; the parting compliment; a good-by; adieu.

n. Act of departure; leave-taking; a last look at, or reference to something.

a. Parting; valedictory; final; as, a farewell discourse; his farewell bow.

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