Words that Rhyme with forebode
1 Syllable Words
blowed, bode, bowed, brode, coad, code, coed, crowed, flowed, gloede, glowed, goad, goedde, goede, grode, knode, knowed, load, lode, moad, mode, moede, mowed, node, ode, owed, rhoad, rhode, road, rode, roed, rohde, rowed, sewed, showed, shrode, slowed, snowed, sowed, stowed, strode, thode, toad, toed, towed
2 Syllable Words
abode, anode, bestowed, bestrode, boatload, borrowed, busload, c-code, carload, caseload, cathode, commode, corrode, crossroad, decode, diode, download, elbowed, encode, erode, explode, implode, inroad, kanode, m-code, methode, out-mode, outmode, patnode, payload, planeload, plateaued, railroad, reload, rexroad, richaud, shipload, tiptoed, truckload, unbowed, unload, winnowed, workload
3 Syllable Words
copycode, eckenrode, episode, microcode, nematode, overflowed, overload, overrode, radioed, torpedoed, unitrode
4 Syllable Words
Definitions of forebode
v. t. To foretell.
v. t. To be prescient of (some ill or misfortune); to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which is about to happen; to augur despondingly.
v. i. To fortell; to presage; to augur.
n. Prognostication; presage.