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Words that Rhyme with guild

1 Syllable Words

bild, billed, build, childe, chilled, drilled, filled, gild, grilled, hild, hilde, killed, milled, skilled, spilde, spilled, stilled, thrilled, willed

2 Syllable Words

distilled, fulfilled, instilled, mathilde, rebuild, refilled, unfilled, unskilled

3 Syllable Words

rototilled, unfulfilled

Definitions of guild

v. t. An association of men belonging to the same class, or engaged in kindred pursuits, formed for mutual aid and protection; a business fraternity or corporation; as, the Stationers' Guild; the Ironmongers' Guild. They were originally licensed by the government, and endowed with special privileges and authority.

v. t. A guildhall.

v. t. A religious association or society, organized for charitable purposes or for assistance in parish work.

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