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Words that Rhyme with kit

1 Syllable Words

bit, brit, britt, chit, fit, fitt, flit, get, grit, hit, hitt, it, kitt, knit, lit, litt, mit, mitt, nit, pit, pitt, plitt, pritt, quit, ritt, schlitt, schmidt, schmit, schmitt, shit, sit, skit, slit, smit, spit, split, splitt, stitt, tit, tritt, vitt, whit, whitt, wit, witt, witte, writ

2 Syllable Words

acquit, admit, armpit, barritt, beckwitt, befit, boblitt, bullshit, burditt, clampitt, cockpit, commit, davitt, devitt, dewitt, dewitte, douthit, douthitt, drillbit, emit, gillett, goldschmidt, it-wit, kleinschmidt, laffitte, lafitte, legit, mcnitt, misfit, moonlit, obit, omit, outfit, outwit, permit, politte, presplit, proudfit, refit, remit, savitt, submit, sunlit, telit, tidbit, transmit, unfit, waldschmidt

3 Syllable Words

counterfeit, hammerschmidt, hypocrite, kuhlenschmidt, mandalit, messerschmidt, messerschmitt, readmit, recommit, resubmit, retrofit, tanartkit, waffenschmidt, wolfenschmidt

4 Syllable Words


Definitions of kit

v. t. To cut.

n. A kitten.

n. A small violin.

m. A large bottle.

m. A wooden tub or pail, smaller at the top than at the bottom; as, a kit of butter, or of mackerel.

m. straw or rush basket for fish; also, any kind of basket.

m. A box for working implements; hence, a working outfit, as of a workman, a soldier, and the like.

m. A group of separate parts, things, or individuals; -- used with whole, and generally contemptuously; as, the whole kit of them.

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