Words that Rhyme with manner
2 Syllable Words
banner, branner, canner, danner, hanner, kanner, manor, planner, sanner, scanner, spanner, tanner
Definitions of manner
n. Mode of action; way of performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion.
n. Characteristic mode of acting, conducting, carrying one's self, or the like; bearing; habitual style.
n. Customary method of acting; habit.
n. Carriage; behavior; deportment; also, becoming behavior; well-bred carriage and address.
n. The style of writing or thought of an author; characteristic peculiarity of an artist.
n. Certain degree or measure; as, it is in a manner done already.
n. Sort; kind; style; -- in this application sometimes having the sense of a plural, sorts or kinds.