Words that Rhyme with sailor
2 Syllable Words
ailor, ayler, aylor, bailer, bailor, baylor, caler, caylor, eyler, failor, faler, galer, gayler, gaylor, jailer, kaler, kaylor, mailer, maler, nailor, naylor, paylor, sailer, sayler, saylor, scalar, seyler, seyller, shaler, staebler, tailor, tayler, taylor, thaler, trailer, traylor, whaler
3 Syllable Words
greenmailer, inhaler, retailer, roadrailer, wholesaler
4 Syllable Words
Definition of sailor
n. One who follows the business of navigating ships or other vessels; one who understands the practical management of ships; one of the crew of a vessel; a mariner; a common seaman.