Words that Rhyme with sandal
2 Syllable Words
andal, andel, bandel, brandel, brandl, brandle, candle, crandall, crandell, fandel, handel, handle, kandel, krandall, mandel, mandell, mandl, mandle, randal, randall, randel, randle, randol, scandal, vandal, yandell, yandle
3 Syllable Words
manhandle, mishandle, panhandle, vanhandel
Definitions of sandal
n. Same as Sendal.
n. Sandalwood.
n. A kind of shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot; a protection for the foot, covering its lower surface, but not its upper.
n. A kind of slipper.
n. An overshoe with parallel openings across the instep.