Words that Rhyme with scorn
1 Syllable Words
bjoern, bjorn, born, borne, bourn, bourne, corn, corne, doorn, dorn, horn, horne, korn, lorne, mourn, orn, orne, porn, schorn, shorn, sporn, sworn, thorn, thorne, torn, warn, warne, worn, zorn
2 Syllable Words
aborn, adorn, airborne, allcorn, amborn, bighorn, bluhdorn, buckhorn, buckthorn, bullhorn, dearborn, einhorn, elkhorn, firstborn, forlorn, forsworn, glyndebourne, hartshorn, hawthorn, hirshhorn, inborn, jetborne, kilborne, lamborn, layborne, longhorn, lowborn, osborn, osborne, pangborn, popcorn, pronghorn, radborne, reborn, sanborn, schoellhorn, seaborne, shoehorn, shopkorn, shopworn, steinborn, stillborn, terkhorn, unborn, vandorn, vanhorn, vanhorne, waldhorn, wellborn, whitehorn
3 Syllable Words
cyberporn, hegadorn, mclawhorn, pfefferkorn, polkinghorn, unadorn, unicorn, waterborne, winterbourne
Definitions of scorn
n. Extreme and lofty contempt; haughty disregard; that disdain which springs from the opinion of the utter meanness and unworthiness of an object.
n. An act or expression of extreme contempt.
n. An object of extreme disdain, contempt, or derision.
n. To hold in extreme contempt; to reject as unworthy of regard; to despise; to contemn; to disdain.
n. To treat with extreme contempt; to make the object of insult; to mock; to scoff at; to deride.
v. i. To scoff; to mock; to show contumely, derision, or reproach; to act disdainfully.