Words that Rhyme with slouch
1 Syllable Words
bautch, blouch, bouch, bouche, couch, crouch, dauch, fouch, fouche, foutch, grouch, ouch, pautsch, pouch, rouch, vouch
2 Syllable Words
3 Syllable Words
Definitions of slouch
n. A hanging down of the head; a drooping attitude; a limp appearance; an ungainly, clownish gait; a sidewise depression or hanging down, as of a hat brim.
n. An awkward, heavy, clownish fellow.
v. i. To droop, as the head.
v. i. To walk in a clumsy, lazy manner.
v. t. To cause to hang down; to depress at the side; as, to slouth the hat.