Words that Rhyme with snowflake
1 Syllable Words
ache, ake, bake, blake, brake, break, cake, dake, drake, fake, flake, haik, hake, jacque, jake, lake, make, naik, paik, pake, plake, quake, rake, sake, schake, schlake, schnake, schwake, shaik, shaikh, shake, shrake, snake, spake, stake, steak, take, wake, yake
2 Syllable Words
awake, backache, beefsteak, bonebrake, cheesecake, cupcake, daybreak, earthquake, forsake, freshbake, fruitcake, handshake, headache, heartache, heartbreak, homestake, hotcake, hoylake, intake, keepsake, longbrake, mandrake, milkshake, mistake, muckrake, namesake, opaque, outbreak, outtake, pancake, partake, remake, retake, shewmake, shoemake, shortcake, shumake, sweepstake, testrake, uptake, westlake
3 Syllable Words
bellyache, interlake, kittiwake, overtake, rattlesnake, silverlake, timberlake, undertake
Definitions of snowflake
n. A flake, or small filmy mass, of snow.
n. See Snowbird, 1.
n. A name given to several bulbous plants of the genus Leucoium (L. vernum, aestivum, etc.) resembling the snowdrop, but having all the perianth leaves of equal size.