Words that Rhyme with soup
1 Syllable Words
boop, coop, coupe, croup, doupe, droop, drupe, dupe, goop, group, groupe, grupe, hoop, houp, hupe, knoop, koop, loop, loup, loupe, lupe, poop, roop, roope, roupe, rupe, scoop, shoop, shoup, shoupe, shupe, sloop, snoop, stoop, stoup, stroop, stroope, stroup, stroupe, swoop, swoope, throop, troop, troup, troupe, whoop
2 Syllable Words
arrupe, arup, calgroup, eastgroup, newsgroup, recoup, regroup, subgroup, sungroup, waldroop, waldroup, workgroup, wynkoop
3 Syllable Words
guadalupe, guadeloupe, intergroup, medisgroup, nincompoop, paratroop
Definitions of soup
n. A liquid food of many kinds, usually made by boiling meat and vegetables, or either of them, in water, -- commonly seasoned or flavored; strong broth.
v. t. To sup or swallow.
v. t. To breathe out.
v. t. To sweep. See Sweep, and Swoop.