Words that Rhyme with spat
1 Syllable Words
at, bat, batt, batte, bhatt, blatt, brat, bratt, cat, catt, chat, dat, fat, flat, flatt, gat, gatt, glatt, gnat, hat, hatt, hnat, jagt, kat, katt, klatt, krat, kratt, lat, mat, matt, matte, nat, pat, patt, platt, platte, pratt, pratte, rat, ratte, sat, scat, schadt, shatt, slaght, slat, splat, spratt, stat, tat, that, vat
2 Syllable Words
arnatt, at-bat, begat, biernat, bobcat, brickbat, carlstadt, chitchat, combat, d'etat, darmstadt, delatte, deslatte, doormat, elat, farhat, format, hnat, karstadt, kitcat, labatt, landsat, lestat, mcnatt, muskrat, nonfat, polecat, prevatt, prevatte, ronstadt, sadat, sarratt, tomcat, tvsat, urstadt, wesat, wildcat, wombat
3 Syllable Words
acrobat, aerostat, autocrat, babysat, balyeat, bundesrat, bureaucrat, butterfat, caveat, clarostat, compumat, copycat, democrat, diplomat, eberstadt, eizenstat, estedat, gujarat, habitat, inmarsat, inverlat, laundromat, panamsat, parmalat, plutocrat, pussycat, rat-a-tat, rosenblatt, technocrat, thermostat, thundercat, tit-for-tat, verhofstadt, yediyat, ziggurat
4 Syllable Words
Definitions of spat
imp. of Spit.
n. A young oyster or other bivalve mollusk, both before and after it first becomes adherent, or such young, collectively.
v. i. & t. To emit spawn; to emit, as spawn.
n. A light blow with something flat.
n. Hence, a petty combat, esp. a verbal one; a little quarrel, dispute, or dissension.
v. i. To dispute.
v. t. To slap, as with the open hand; to clap together; as the hands.
of Spit