Words that Rhyme with spurn
1 Syllable Words
bern, berne, burn, burne, byrne, cern, chern, cherne, churn, dern, durn, earn, erne, fearn, fern, hearn, hearne, hern, herne, hirn, hurn, kearn, kern, kirn, learn, stearn, stearne, stern, sterne, stirn, sturn, thurn, turn, urn, vern, verne, yearn, zurn
2 Syllable Words
adjourn, ahearn, ahern, aherne, alpern, amburn, bradburn, camburn, clayburn, cockburn, cogburn, concern, discern, downturn, eastburn, fairburn, fishburn, freeburn, glassburn, heartburn, kinburn, laverne, marshburn, mashburn, mcgurn, mckern, milburn, minturn, newburn, o'beirne, obyrne, osburn, pangburn, redburn, redfern, return, sauterne, sunburn, upturn, washburn, washburne, winburn, woodburn
3 Syllable Words
arterburn, overturn, taciturn, unconcern
Definitions of spurn
v. t. To drive back or away, as with the foot; to kick.
v. t. To reject with disdain; to scorn to receive or accept; to treat with contempt.
v. i. To kick or toss up the heels.
v. i. To manifest disdain in rejecting anything; to make contemptuous opposition or resistance.
n. A kick; a blow with the foot.
n. Disdainful rejection; contemptuous tratment.
n. A body of coal left to sustain an overhanding mass.