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Words that Rhyme with hypocrite

1 Syllable Words

bit, brit, britt, chit, fit, fitt, flit, get, grit, hit, hitt, it, kit, kitt, knit, lit, litt, mit, mitt, nit, pit, pitt, plitt, pritt, quit, ritt, schlitt, schmidt, schmit, schmitt, shit, sit, skit, slit, smit, spit, split, splitt, stitt, tit, tritt, vitt, whit, whitt, wit, witt, witte, writ

2 Syllable Words

acquit, admit, armpit, barritt, beckwitt, befit, boblitt, bullshit, burditt, clampitt, cockpit, commit, davitt, devitt, dewitt, dewitte, douthit, douthitt, drillbit, emit, gillett, goldschmidt, it-wit, kleinschmidt, laffitte, lafitte, legit, mcnitt, misfit, moonlit, obit, omit, outfit, outwit, permit, politte, presplit, proudfit, refit, remit, savitt, submit, sunlit, telit, tidbit, transmit, unfit, waldschmidt

3 Syllable Words

counterfeit, hammerschmidt, kuhlenschmidt, mandalit, messerschmidt, messerschmitt, readmit, recommit, resubmit, retrofit, tanartkit, waffenschmidt, wolfenschmidt

4 Syllable Words


Definition of hypocrite

n. One who plays a part; especially, one who, for the purpose of winning approbation of favor, puts on a fair outside seeming; one who feigns to be other and better than he is; a false pretender to virtue or piety; one who simulates virtue or piety.

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