Words that Rhyme with glint
1 Syllable Words
clint, didn't, dint, flint, flynt, hint, kindt, kint, klindt, klint, lint, mint, print, quint, rindt, schwindt, sindt, splint, sprint, squint, stint, swint, tint, vint, windt, wint
2 Syllable Words
blueprint, comprint, footprint, imprint, misprint, newsprint, reprint, shoeprint, techint
3 Syllable Words
fingerprint, peppermint
Definitions of glint
n. A glimpse, glance, or gleam.
v. i. To glance; to peep forth, as a flower from the bud; to glitter.
v. t. To glance; to turn; as, to glint the eye.