Words that Rhyme with prayer
1 Syllable Words
aer, air, ayre, baehr, baer, bahr, bair, bare, bear, behr, blair, blare, caire, care, chair, cher, clair, claire, clare, dare, darr, derr, dreher, err, eyre, fair, faire, fare, fehr, fer, ferre, flair, flare, fraire, freyre, gair, gare, gehr, glare, guerre, hair, haire, hairr, hare, hehr, heir, herr, herre, kahre, kehr, khmer, klare, knerr, kreher, lair, lare, lehr, mair, maire, mare, mehr, mer, nair, ne'er, pair, pare, pear, phair, plair, rare, reher, sare, sayre, scare, schehr, scherr, sehr, serr, share, sherr, skare, snare, spare, square, stair, stare, stehr, sterr, swear, tear, terre, their, there, they're, traer, ware, wear, wehr, werre, where, zehr
2 Syllable Words
abair, adair, adaire, addair, affair, airfare, alair, allaire, armchair, ashare, astaire, auclair, aware, ayer, baier, bakeware, bancaire, bankshare, bayar, bayer, beaufrere, belair, belaire, beware, beyer, bezaire, boisclair, brayer, breyer, cayer, childcare, coderre, comair, compare, conair, confair, convair, cookware, corriere, cosmair, cycare, daycare, declare, delair, delftware, despair, dispair, drayer, dreyer, elsewhere, ensnare, eyecare, eyewear, fanfare, finnair, flatware, footware, footwear, forebear, forswear, foursquare, frayer, freier, freyer, frontiere, gaier, gayer, geniere, geyer, giftware, gisclair, glassware, glenayre, grancare, grayer, groupware, hardware, hayer, healthcare, heyer, homecare, houseware, impair, kenmare, knitwear, landfair, laware, layer, leclaire, lefrere, lemaire, lincare, longhair, macnair, maier, markair, mayer, mayfair, mayher, mayor, mcnair, midair, mohair, moliere, montclair, neckwear, neher, netware, neyer, nightmare, noteware, nowhere, o'hare, opere, payer, pentair, pershare, pierre, player, praxair, prepare, preyer, proshare, reier, repair, reyer, santerre, sayer, schleyer, seyer, shaer, shareware, shorthair, sinclair, slayer, sleepwear, software, somewhere, speyer, sportswear, sprayer, stayer, steyer, stoneware, strayer, st_clair, st_claire, swimwear, swissair, taher, takecare, tenncare, thayer, threadbare, timeshare, trayer, trosclair, ultrair, unfair, voltaire, wardair, warfare, weier, welfare, westair, weyer, wheelchair, whitehair, wickware, workfare, zaher
3 Syllable Words
alastair, alistair, almaguer, anywhere, appleshare, assayer, ballplayer, bellemare, billionaire, bricklayer, bundeswehr, canadair, compuware, conveyer, conveyor, debonair, delaware, dinnerware, disrepair, doctrinaire, doomsayer, dragonair, earthenware, ecolaire, egyptair, everywhere, farberware, icelandair, intercare, invacare, javier, jeanpierre, kitchenware, knowledgeware, kostmayer, larosiere, laterriere, legionnaire, maxicare, mcbrayer, medicare, microaire, microware, millionaire, mobiliare, modulaire, mothercare, munsingwear, nationair, naysayer, neumayer, novacare, omnicare, outerwear, purveyor, questionnaire, ratepayer, ryanair, sauter, silverware, solitaire, soothsayer, st_pierre, surveyor, tableware, taxpayer, thoroughfare, tupperware, unaware, underwear, usair, vaporware, widmayer, zillionaire
4 Syllable Words
alternacare, americare, concessionaire, diversicare, multilayer, multiplayer, pacificare
5 Syllable Words
euromobiliare, extraordinaire, multimillionaire
Definitions of prayer
n. One who prays; a supplicant.
v. i. The act of praying, or of asking a favor; earnest request or entreaty; hence, a petition or memorial addressed to a court or a legislative body.
v. i. The act of addressing supplication to a divinity, especially to the true God; the offering of adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving to the Supreme Being; as, public prayer; secret prayer.
v. i. The form of words used in praying; a formula of supplication; an expressed petition; especially, a supplication addressed to God; as, a written or extemporaneous prayer; to repeat one's prayers.