Words that Rhyme with predispose
1 Syllable Words
blose, blows, boase, boes, bose, bowes, bows, boze, bro's, brose, chose, close, clothes, cose, crose, crow's, crows, doe's, doze, eaux, flows, foes, froze, ghose, glows, goes, goghs, gose, grose, grows, ho's, hoes, hose, joe's, joes, jos, klose, knows, kroes, kroeze, lo's, loews, lowe's, lowes, lows, moes, mose, ngo's, ngos, no's, noes, nose, o's, o.'s, o.s, o.s', oh's, ohs, ooohs, ose, owes, poe's, pose, pows, pro's, pros, pros', prose, roes, roh's, rohs, rose, row's, rowe's, rowes, rows, show's, shows, shows', slows, snows, so's, sows, those, throes, throws, toes, tows, vose, woes, yoes
2 Syllable Words
ambrose, arose, bellrose, bestows, bio's, bongos, borough's, boroughs, boulos, bozos, bulldoze, burrowes, campeau's, cargo's, cargoes, cargos, chico's, ciros, cocos, compose, cristo's, defoe's, demos, depose, disclose, dispose, dubose, duclos, elbows, enclose, expose, fallows, fargo's, farrow's, fellowes, foreclose, forgoes, gameshows, guandjo's, guangjo's, gyros, hasbro's, haso's, hognose, hydro's, impose, inflows, ito's, jumbos, kilos, kinko's, koslow's, lebow's, litco's, logos, marco's, meadows, melrose, micheaux's, miro's, monroe's, montrose, moscow's, oppose, otto's, outflows, penrose, perot's, perots, pharos, photo's, photos, plainclothes, primo's, primrose, promos, propose, quito's, rainbows, renault's, repos, repose, rhinos, rockrose, roussos, seow's, sesno's, shadows, sideshows, silos, stavros, suppose, tarots, tempos, torsos, transpose, trio's, truffaut's, tussaud's, walthose, widdows, willowes, willows
3 Syllable Words
aburto's, alagoas, amigos, angelo's, angelos, angeloz, bigelow's, buffalo's, buffalos, bungalows, calypsos, cameos, carolco's, chicago's, commandos, decompose, diego's, domino's, dominoes, dominos, embryos, eskimos, falsettos, groseclose, guinarou's, idaho's, interco's, interpose, juxtapose, mealynose, mexico's, microprose, navajos, overflows, pantyhose, patios, pebereau's, presuppose, radio's, radios, ratios, reimpose, rodeos, romano's, sokolow's, stereos, studio's, studios, studios', tobacco's, tobaccos, tokyo's, tomatos, tomorrow's, tomorrows, tornado's, tornados, torpedos, tuxedos, undergoes, undertows
4 Syllable Words
antonio's, guantanamo's, hirohito's, misdiagnose, new-mexico's, overexpose, pistachios, politicos, portfolio's, portfolios, superimpose, yoshihiro's
5 Syllable Words
Definitions of predispose
v. t. To dispose or incline beforehand; to give a predisposition or bias to; as, to predispose the mind to friendship.
v. t. To make fit or susceptible beforehand; to give a tendency to; as, debility predisposes the body to disease.