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Words that Rhyme with chime

1 Syllable Words

beim, climb, crime, dime, grime, haim, heim, hime, i'm, kime, lime, lyme, mime, prime, rhyme, seim, sime, slime, syme, thyme, time

2 Syllable Words

airtime, alltime, bedtime, blenheim, centime, clothestime, daytime, downtime, durkheim, enzyme, flextime, floersheim, floresheim, florsheim, fulltime, funtime, genzyme, halftime, lifetime, longtime, lunchtime, mealtime, meantime, nesheim, nighttime, noontime, onetime, opheim, part-time, parttime, pastime, peacetime, primetime, quicktime, ragtime, schooltime, showtime, solheim, sometime, sondheim, springtime, straszheim, sublime, sundheim, waldheim, warehime, wartime, werdesheim, windchime, windheim, wineheim

3 Syllable Words

amandime, anaheim, anticrime, anytime, christmastime, dinnertime, everytime, guggenheim, ingelheim, kuenheim, maritime, movietime, oppenheim, overtime, pantomime, paradigm, pulmazyme, pulmozyme, summertime, wintertime

Definitions of chime

n. See Chine, n., 3.

n. The harmonious sound of bells, or of musical instruments.

n. A set of bells musically tuned to each other; specif., in the pl., the music performed on such a set of bells by hand, or produced by mechanism to accompany the striking of the hours or their divisions.

n. Pleasing correspondence of proportion, relation, or sound.

n. To sound in harmonious accord, as bells.

n. To be in harmony; to agree; to suit; to harmonize; to correspond; to fall in with.

n. To join in a conversation; to express assent; -- followed by in or in with.

n. To make a rude correspondence of sounds; to jingle, as in rhyming.

v. i. To cause to sound in harmony; to play a tune, as upon a set of bells; to move or strike in harmony.

v. i. To utter harmoniously; to recite rhythmically.

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