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Words that Rhyme with flight

1 Syllable Words

beit, bite, blight, bright, brite, byte, cite, clyte, dwight, feit, fight, fite, fright, height, heit, hiett, hight, hite, kight, kite, knight, kyte, light, lite, might, mite, night, nite, plight, quite, reit, right, rite, scheidt, sight, site, sleight, slight, spight, spite, sprite, streit, strite, tight, trite, twite, white, whyte, wight, wright, write, zeit

2 Syllable Words

airtight, albright, alight, allbright, allright, alright, alvite, arkwright, backbite, backlight, basnight, bauknight, birthright, boatright, boatwright, brucite, bullfight, calcite, calite, cartwright, clevite, conkright, contrite, courtright, courtwright, cronkhite, cronkite, cronkright, curtright, cutright, daylight, delight, despite, dogfight, downright, drumright, drumwright, dunite, ebright, enright, enwright, excite, eyesight, femrite, finite, firefight, firzite, flashlight, floodlight, fluorite, footlight, foresight, forthright, fortnight, freiheit, frostbite, fulbright, fullbright, gathright, genlyte, goodnight, graphite, gravesite, guisewite, gunfight, hambright, headlight, highlight, hignight, hignite, hindsight, hittite, housewright, hussite, ignite, incite, indict, indite, inflight, insight, invite, jadeite, jinright, lafite, lambright, lignite, limelight, loctite, lucite, luddite, macknight, malrite, mccright, mcknight, mcright, mcwhite, mcwright, midflight, midnight, moonlight, newsnight, nonwhite, oakite, onsite, outright, playwright, plowright, polite, procyte, recite, rewrite, richwhite, rubright, seabright, searchlight, seawright, shiite, shipwright, skylight, skylite, snakebite, soundbite, sporophyte, spotlight, starlight, starsight, sticktight, stoplight, sulfite, sunlight, sunlite, sylvite, tonight, tonite, twilight, unite, upright, uptight, wainright, wainwright, waybright, website, wegbreit, wheelwright, whitenight, wilhite, willhite, woolbright

3 Syllable Words

acolyte, ammonite, andesite, anorthite, anthracite, apartheid, apatite, appetite, applewhite, argabright, bentonite, biotite, canaanite, candlelight, carmelite, clintonite, copyright, copywrite, cryolite, de-excite, diorite, disinvite, displaywrite, dolomite, dynamite, epsomite, erudite, exabyte, expedite, extradite, fahrenheit, felicite, franklinite, gigabyte, hashemite, hematite, impolite, israelite, jacobite, kilobyte, lacharite, lazulite, leukocyte, limonite, lymphocyte, magnesite, magnetite, mandalite, maronite, masonite, megabyte, mennonite, minorite, monzonite, muscovite, musselwhite, naderite, neophyte, niccolite, niobite, overflight, overnight, overnite, oversight, overwrite, parasite, pegmatite, phagocyte, phlogopite, phosphorite, plebiscite, rasorite, reaganite, recondite, reignite, reinvite, reunite, riunite, samsonite, satellite, satterwhite, selenite, semi-height, socialite, thatcherite, tripartite, underwrite, urbanite, watertight

4 Syllable Words

catanzarite, gametophyte, granulocyte, hemimorphite, hermaphrodite, mccarthyite, meteorite, new-hampshirite, overexcite, suburbanite

Definitions of flight

n. The act or flying; a passing through the air by the help of wings; volitation; mode or style of flying.

n. The act of fleeing; the act of running away, to escape or expected evil; hasty departure.

n. Lofty elevation and excursion;a mounting; a soa/ing; as, a flight of imagination, ambition, folly.

n. A number of beings or things passing through the air together; especially, a flock of birds flying in company; the birds that fly or migrate together; the birds produced in one season; as, a flight of arrows.

n. A series of steps or stairs from one landing to another.

n. A kind of arrow for the longbow; also, the sport of shooting with it. See Shaft.

n. The husk or glume of oats.

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