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Words that Rhyme with loop

1 Syllable Words

boop, coop, coupe, croup, doupe, droop, drupe, dupe, goop, group, groupe, grupe, hoop, houp, hupe, knoop, koop, loup, loupe, lupe, poop, roop, roope, roupe, rupe, scoop, shoop, shoup, shoupe, shupe, sloop, snoop, soup, stoop, stoup, stroop, stroope, stroup, stroupe, swoop, swoope, throop, troop, troup, troupe, whoop

2 Syllable Words

arrupe, arup, calgroup, eastgroup, newsgroup, recoup, regroup, subgroup, sungroup, waldroop, waldroup, workgroup, wynkoop

3 Syllable Words

guadalupe, guadeloupe, intergroup, medisgroup, nincompoop, paratroop

Definitions of loop

n. A mass of iron in a pasty condition gathered into a ball for the tilt hammer or rolls.

n. A fold or doubling of a thread, cord, rope, etc., through which another thread, cord, etc., can be passed, or which a hook can be hooked into; an eye, as of metal; a staple; a noose; a bight.

n. A small, narrow opening; a loophole.

n. A curve of any kind in the form of a loop.

n. A wire forming part of a main circuit and returning to the point from which it starts.

n. The portion of a vibrating string, air column, etc., between two nodes; -- called also ventral segment.

v. t. To make a loop of or in; to fasten with a loop or loops; -- often with up; as, to loop a string; to loop up a curtain.

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